On 15 November 2015 at 14:58, Andreas M. Kirchwitz <a...@spamfence.net> wrote:
> Patrick Dupre <pdu...@gmx.com> wrote:
>>> > How can I get an iso image for fedora 23 (workstation) ?
>>> https://getfedora.org/en/workstation/download/
>> There is only the Live version not the DVD iso.
> The Fedora Workstation Live image is a combined ISO image for both,
> either running Fedora Live (directly from DVD/USB) or install the
> Fedora Workstation edition (from the same DVD/USB).
> This is different from the Server ISO image which is only for
> installation but not for so-called live usage.
> Unfortunately, both ISO image work somewhat different. For example,
> the Workstation/Live image does not support mdraid devices or
> encrypted volumes. Only the Server image does. However, the Server
> image does not allow to install the Workstation edition from local
> resources (only via network).
> IMHO, the functionality has been split up in a confusing way.
> There should be a "Live" ISO image for live usage and there should
> be an "Installation" ISO image that combines Server and Workstation
> editions (still fits perfectly fine on a single DVD, even on a small
> 4 GB USB stick).

Difficult, the different products have their own particular
customisations to the setup you get, it's no longer just a question of
what packages there are. See e.g.

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