Patrick Dupre <> wrote:

> Thank you very much for the clarifications.
> Then, for an install without network, the only option is
> the DVD/USB Server iso ?

Both ISO images (the combined Workstation & Live ISO, and also
the Server ISO) work without network connection. So if you download
the combined Workstation & Live ISO you can install the Workstation
edition from that. Without any network.

When you boot from the combined Workstation & Live ISO image, it
starts up a Fedora Live system first (hence the name) and then asks
if you want to continue using the Live system or if you want to
install the Workstation edition to your harddisk (without network).

Sounds a little confusing at first because Fedora sometimes calls
it Workstation, and sometimes Live. But in fact it's just one single
ISO image for both. The user decides how he wants to use the ISO.

        Hope that helps ... Andreas
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