On 07/28/2015 11:31 PM, Heinz Diehl wrote:
On 29.07.2015, Greg Woods wrote:

Stop right there. This unfortunately sounds like a well-known Google-ism.
If you send mail to a mailing list that you are on, it does not put the
message in your Inbox.

Though I'm not a Thunderbird user, I wonder why it shouldn't be able
to store a copy of your mail in the INBOX folder. I mean Thunderbird,
not Google.

After all, IMAP is nothing more than a bunch of directories. Maybe I'm
missing something..

Mutt, which is what I'm using, allows specifying where I want to have
my sent emails stored ("set record"), maybe Thunderbird can do the

Another part of the problem may be that you haven't sorted your
listmail into seperate folders. This being the case, your email will
be sorted correctly when returned by the listserver..

I believe the gmail thing is related to an internal filter they have.
If gmail sees a message with a "From" address that matches yours, it
assumes you've already seen the reply (heck, you supposedly wrote it!)
and doesn't flag the reply as "Unread". The reply _is_ in the inbox of
the gmail account, but without the "Unread" flag Thunderbird doesn't
know that it should pick it up.

Simple when you think about it. And before you ask, no, I don't know of
a way to disable that "feature" of gmail.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ri...@alldigital.com -
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