On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 07:16:21 -0400,
  Dennis Mattingly <dennismattinglyzz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My gaming has been slowing down, since my job is terrible right now.
> I usually play Quake Wars or ZSNES on my machine.
> But I would gladly try other games if it promotes Linux.
> The biggest headache for joining is that I don't read these messages / lists
> very much.
> Perhaps a better idea would be to use another standard way of Fedora
> communication, like IRC or such?

Where and how much in advance?

We got a couple people out of #fedora-games who were hanging around when
things get started for armacycles this past weekend. Would announcing something
there an hour or two in advance be better?

> Or make an announcement on the wiki like "Every Monday Night ..."
> That would work better for me.

There are several issues here.

Currently we don't have a best time and so it's a bit early to standardize on
time. The 1700 UTC time seems like it should be good for NA, SA and EU which
likely covers a good chunk of our users.

Standardizing on a single time per week will make it difficult for some people
to play. This may be a necessary evil to make things work though.

I can't commit to sponsoring games every week. Until other people start
stepping up to organize as well as play, we really can't run every week.
If this actually starts taking off, then I would expect a SIG to form
to get sponsors to sign up and run events regularly. Maybe specific games
would run specific weeks of the month or something.

I probably would be giving up about now, but I have found it useful for me
to learn games. Usually someone who plays regularly shows up and teaches
me something about how to play (either about playing the game itself or
about good setup values to use). Eventually I'd like to get my weekly
LAN game group to try playing some Fedora games instead of the Windows ones
we currently play. And knowing good set up values and how to play more games
will help with this.
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