Hi Bruno,

On Saturday 22 May 2010 05:16 PM, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> On 05/23/2010 05:18 AM, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
>> Are we playing the wrong games? (So far we have played bzflag, wesnoth and
>> armacycles and will be playing hedgewars next Saturday. Suggestions are
>> welcome, but for now we are avoiding games that are essentially unplayable
>> with the Fedora graphics drivers.)
> Not necessarily but I prefer first person shooters.  Something like
> OpenArena or Nexuiz

Same here, prefer FPS games. But lately I have been a little too busy. 
For example I had tried out bzflag for about 15 mins after your first 
email, but couldn't find the time to show up for the games at the 
announced time.

Because of my schedule I couldn't even participate in either of the XFCE 
or Radeon test days as both would involve rebooting my machine and 
loosing my current session.

I hope there are other interested people, or at least I can find the 
time in future weeks to support your praiseworthy effort.

> Rahul


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