Kirk Lowery wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 9:47 AM, Patrick O'Callaghan

> Having OOo 3.2 is not mission critical. But it would be *very*
> convenient. That's why I was wondering if there is a set of rpms that
> could be used which were competently built that would not mess up my
> F12 install; or, failing that, install from the generic tarball. I'd
> be interested in the experience of anyone who has done this.

You may try to install the F13 rpms on your F12.
1) maybe you discover that dependencies are unsolvable (new fundamental libs,
RPM version, ...)
2) maybe it installs but has some kind of problem running
3) maybe it installs and runs perfectly

Option 1) is easily discovered before you do any modification to your
system; very safe.

Option 2) is quite unprobable, IMHO. Reversable with rpm -e, rpm -i.

Option 3) has a reasonable probability.

I would spend a few minutes downloading the F13 rpms and attempting
some "rpm --test -Uhv" commands.

   Roberto Ragusa    mail at
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