On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 10:42 AM, Mohamed El Morabity
<pikachu.2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2010/4/29 Kirk Lowery <empirical.human...@gmail.com>
>> On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 9:47 AM, Patrick O'Callaghan
>> <pocallag...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > On Thu, 2010-04-29 at 08:24 -0400, Kirk Lowery wrote:
>> >> After googling around, it seems that OpenOffice 3.2 won't be
>> >> officially packaged for Fedora 12. I really would like to upgrade to
>> >> it because 3.2 now handles OpenType fonts.
>> >>
>> >> Can anyone confirm that 3.2 definitely won't be packaged for F12? In
>> >> that case, what would be the best alternative? Are there reliable
>> >> third-party rpms? Or install from the tarball?
>> >
>> > Unless your need is very urgent, the easiest would be to wait a few
>> > weeks and upgrade to F13. Or even do it now if you feel brave :-)
>> Thanks, but I'd prefer not to upgrade to F13. Long experience has
>> taught me that the best way to upgrade Fedora is do back up the disk,
>> wipe the hard drive and reinstall Fedora fresh. Since that takes major
>> effort and loss of productivity, for the past several years I have not
>> upgraded to every new version bump. So I upgraded from F10 to F12, and
>> am waiting for F14 to upgrade again.
>> Having OOo 3.2 is not mission critical. But it would be *very*
>> convenient. That's why I was wondering if there is a set of rpms that
>> could be used which were competently built that would not mess up my
>> F12 install; or, failing that, install from the generic tarball. I'd
>> be interested in the experience of anyone who has done this.
> OpenOffice.org provides RPMs for each new version, especially 3.2:
>       http://download.openoffice.org/other.html
> OpenOffice.org is splitted into several RPMs embedded in a tar.gz archive,
> with installation instructions.
> If you choose to install this version, don't forget to remove the Fedora
> version of OOo. You may also block updates of OpenOffice.org from the Fedora
> repositories to avoid packages conflics.

Okay, you encourage me to do this. Yes, I had read about the problem
of mixing rpms and blocking updates.

Thanks for the response!

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