On Sun, 2010-04-18 at 10:13 -0700, Michael Miles wrote:
> [...]

> I think that it is a must to have protection on your machines 
> considering I am looking at a machine that was supposed to be bullet 
> proof, and proved to be infectable with windows crap through wine. If 
> you are running wine without protection then you are taking a chance.
> I am not sure how it happened but it did.
> The Virus even went to work renaming core files from the xp install
> So the myth is just that, a myth

IOW, when you run Windows apps, you get infected. Where's the myth? Did
your Linux system crash? Were any of your system files corrupted? Was
any of your non-Wine data leaked? Was your root password compromised?
Did anything happen that would still have happened if you weren't
running a Windows API?


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