On 04/08/2010 08:02 AM, Rick Stevens wrote:
> On 04/07/2010 03:59 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
>> Bottom line....  One can use "service network restart" when using NM if
>> one wants to.  One can also use "service NetworkManager restart".  If
>> anything I choose to use the former since network is 7 keystrokes and
>> NetworkManager 14 plus it involves the use of the shift key, and it does
>> what I want and what I expect of it.  I certainly hope nobody would take
>> issue with that.  Besides, isn't Linux all about choice?  :-)
> And all I'm saying is that NM and the classic network system can and
> often do conflict with each other.  Unless one is confident in
> understanding the interplay between them, one is better off using one
> or the other, not both.
I don't think anyone disputes that being good advice for the average user.

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