On 04/07/2010 10:51 AM, Tom H wrote:
>>>>> I've never found a need to reboot on changing hostnames.  The most
>>>>> drastic action I've taken was to "service network restart".
>>>> One wold assumme if yo are using 'service network start' you are not
>>>> using NM so your comments about the changing hostname may not apply to
>>>> the OP's system.
>>> Unless I'm out of my mind...that assumption would not be true.....
>>> Even if you use NM you can still use "service network restart".  When
>>> one uses NM the directories /etc/sysconfig/networking/profiles/default
>>> and /etc/sysconfig/networking/devices are empty. This is the case on my
>>> system.

I would highly recommend you DON'T use "service network restart" if
you're using NM.  The two are not compatible in many areas.

>> I have no opinion on the soundness of this, but "service NetworkManager
>> restart" is what I use myself.

I believe that's what's required if you do some manual reconfig of the
network behind NM's back.

> There is a "NM_CONTROLLED" variable that can be set in the ifcfg-*
> scripts to use one or the other (although I do not see where my F13
> init.d scripts check for its value.)

I'm not sure they do.  I believe the idea is that NM would ONLY futz
with interfaces marked thus and leave the others alone.

With both classic and NM enabled, the normal startup sequence would
"service network start" at sequence 10, then "service NetworkManager 
start" at sequence 23  The way I read it, classic could play with all
the NICs and NM would only touch the ones marked "NM_CONTROLLED",
undoing what classic did to them.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, C2 Hosting          ri...@nerd.com -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 22643734            Yahoo: origrps2 -
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-         If this is the first day of the rest of my life...         -
-                        I'm in BIG trouble!                         -
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