Am Montag, den 05.04.2010, 17:09 -0400 schrieb Marcel Rieux:

> I can't figure how the figures I see there are compatible with
> developers working for Red Hat for free... Ooops! I meant
> "contributing their work" for free.

Red Hat has a lot of payed employees. What figures are you talking

> So, no problem and no solution: everything is fine.
> Meanwhile, back on the farm, Mark Shuttleworth pays his developers and
> doesn't get a cent back... for now.

On the other hand, Ubuntu also has a large community of volunteers.
Where is the difference? Ubuntu even has way a larger percentage of
volunteers compared to payed developers than Red Hat.


P.S.: Please stop spreading FUD. Your subject "what is the real story?"
already implies that article you were referring to and Paul's mail or
blog post are *not* the real story.

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