On Mon, Apr 05, 2010 at 21:36:30 +0100,
  psmith <psm...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> you are joking right? fedora is just a testing ground for redhat (think 
> selinux, pulseaudio, abrt etc etc), and the governance is full of 
> @redhat.com people

It isn't "just" a testing ground for Redhat.

Redhat had does have a lot of influence over the project in part because
of board members and in part because they control a significant fraction
of resources (people, hardware, network, conferences) that Fedora needs.
This may result in Fedora trying out some technologies that otherwise
wouldn't. But for the most part, the "first" goal of the project is aligned
with Redhat's goals.

There are other oganizations that have significant affect on what happens
with Fedora. The OLPC project got Sugar and some other stuff needed for
their hardware into Fedora to help them with their mission. They provided
people time for that development. There are also other sponsors of Fedora
that provide nonpeople resources. I am not familiar with the affects of
influence they get in return for providing those resources.

Individuals can also have a significanr affect on what happens with Fedora.
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