I debated putting "OT:" in front of the subject but in the end decided not
to.  Fedora is just the next release of Red Hat and has many tools and
abilities I have yet to explore.  Suspect this list has many UNIX/Linux
enterprise administrators and solution architects.

Appreciate the SELinux suggestion, right now I think it would cause more
problems then it would solve.  Was hoping for a golden nugget, a little
known tool I could build upon that resolved most of my problem.

I appreciate and encourage any feedback.

On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 8:28 AM, Clive Hills <discordia...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You Said :-
> I have a mix of RHEL, HP-UX and Solaris based devices.  We use CFenigine to
>> manage part of configuration.  The devices are located at 40 different
>> sites.
> I'm curious why you are asking this on a Fedora Community list as this list
> isn't aimed at RHEL, HP-UX or Solaris systems.
> I suspect some of your requirements can be met by Linux SELinux policies,
> Solaris RBAC (role based access control).I have no ideas at all about HP-UX
> having never used it.
> Regards
> Clive
> --
> Clive
> --
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