Yes, name service (DNS)  is running but not supported by my department.
This infrastructure has grown into what it is now for long time.  I am
trying to straighten it out.

- Jamie

On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 12:12 PM, Tom H <> wrote:

> > I recently because the Senior Server Architect (Server Administrator) and
> > now support over 1500 servers and workstations and am looking for an
> easier
> > way to mange privileged access.
> > I have a mix of RHEL, HP-UX and Solaris based devices.  We use CFenigine
> to
> > manage part of configuration.  The devices are located at 40 different
> > sites.
> > basic requirements:
> > Access is manage from a central location, possible CFengine manged
> > Sudoer file is updated at least once a day, again possible CFegine
> managed
> > Sudoer file would need to be built custom for each device, a complex
> sudoer
> > file is not easy to manage.
> > Compare the existing sudo file to the proposed one to see if unauthorized
> > changes were made.  I realize this would be had to do especially if there
> > are authorized changes in the new file.
> > All commands are logged.
> > advanced requirements, things that would be nice to have
> > Once privileged access is granted user gets access w/o having to update
> the
> > client
> > If privileged access is revoked users will no longer have privileged
> access
> > w/o having to update the client
> > A reason for being root is asked of the user before granting "su -"
> access
> > but is not logged if they user just runs a command.
> > Limit changing root's password, even for root.
> Rather than create different /etc/sudoers for each box, can't you use
> a name service (with >1500 boxes you must already have one running)
> and set up netgroups for users, commands, boxes, and auths?
> --
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