Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> I've reported a number of bugs to the Fedora BZ and most of them have
> been resolved. None of them have been ignored. Without knowing exactly
> what bugs you reported or how you documented them, there's not much else
> one can say.
I wish some people were able to easily distinguish  between "Fedora"
bugs and "Upstream" bugs.   I find it a pity that some folks experience
problems, may or may not file bug reports, but when they do and they
don't seem to get answered/fixed blame it on "Fedora" without knowing or
realizing that the bug report has been kicked "upstream".  I don't know,
as I haven't investigated, if there is a good (any) mechanism in place
to have all the various downstream bug reporting facilities be
notified/updated on progress of duplicate bugs. 

I most recently filed 2 bug reports.  One was against KDE, the other
against the TCP/IP stack.  In both cases the bugs were present in the 3
distros I tested.  (Fedora, Ubuntu, and OpenSUSE).  With the KDE bug, I
filed it directly in the KDE bug reporting system.  The TCP/IP problem
was filed in Fedora's bugzilla. 

I can honestly say that I've never encountered a "Fedora Only" bug other
than packaging errors.  The caveat being, Fedora isn't my primary work
system so I don't stress it or use it to any great extent.  But, I still
have a suspicion that the majority of "bugs" being seen (as opposed to
self-inflected problems) are to be found in all distros.   Meaning they
are "upstream" bugs.

In another post, Tim has pondered if we aren't seeking the emergence of
"Karl 3.0".  An update, Karl is alive and well and dispensing
questionable advice on the Ubuntu lists.  But, yes, there are
similarities between Karl and the OP.  This has lead me to mostly
refrain from offering any help as of late.  Maybe he is being sarcastic,
but since he didn't smiley it, I don't know.  He has, more than once,
made a statement like "Of course, I'm not a geek, not even a suit, so
I know nothing." but when he is asked additional questions about his
problem or clarifications on what he has said he becomes knowledgeable
to the point of saying, at times, the questions are irrelevant.  I don't
know how one can claim ignorance on the one hand and take issue with
questions being asked in an effort to assist.  As I said, this behavior
has lead me to mostly refrain from offering help...even when I'm
confident I could help.

For my part, the OP may end up in the same file as Karl did.  But I'm of
2 minds.  I really don't read any of his rants...I gloss over any actual
requests for help (see above) yet it is kind of like watching NASCAR. 
Sure the race in interesting...but don't we all secretly watch it for
the wrecks.  :-)

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