On Saturday 13 March 2010 03:24:09 pm David wrote:

> Perhaps you should search for a distribution that works for your needs
> if you are so dissatisfied with Fedora?

It's like capitalism.  it's the worst distro out there, except for all the 

I didn't say I was dissatisfied with Fedora.  If you stick with one version and 
yum upgrade religiously you'll eventually end up with something that works 
most of the time.  And I do like the features, once they've had a couple of 
releases to work the kinks out.  Every now and then something will get 
introduced that makes me go "hey, that's pretty cool".

Just that if something breaks, I don't bother saying anything about it.

Honestly?  If I thought I wouldn't be tilting at windmills, I'd start 
contributing.  But based on past experience I have no hope of that...

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