On 03/10/2010 03:22 PM, Patrick Bartek wrote:
> --- On Tue, 3/9/10, david walcroft<dwalcr...@bigpond.com>  wrote:
>> On 03/10/2010 10:11 AM, Craig White
>> wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2010-03-10 at 09:43 +1000, david walcroft
>> wrote:
>>>> Fedora 12 x86_64
>>>> I've being trying to get 'about:plugins' to
>> recognize these .so files
>>>> libflashplayer.so  nphelix.so
>> nphelix.xpt  nppdf.so, I copied them from
>>>> .mozilla/plugins to
>> /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins,other .so's files are
>>>> recognized.
>>>> what am I doing wrong
>>> ----
>>> copying 32 bit plugins into a 64 bit folder doesn't
>> exactly strike me as
>>> the way to make them work. That strikes me as a really
>> good way to make
>>> sure that they don't work.
>>> Do you have nspluginwrapper packages installed? (I
>> think you need both
>>> the i386 and X86_64 versions installed)
>>> Craig
>> I used this :
>> libflashplayer-
>> OK I didn't realise that :
>> nphelix.so  nphelix.xpt  nppdf.so
>> were i386 plugins,I'll remove them,but it still leaves
>> libflashplayer
>> not showing up in 'about:plugins'
> Just a shot-in-the-dark:  Is your browser a 32-bit or 64-bit version?  I know 
> you said you had 64-bit F12, but both browser types will run on it, and you 
> need to use the proper type of plugin.
> Also, are you running pluginwrapper?  It's usually installed and turned-on by 
> default on 64-bit systems with 64-bit browsers.  It was on mine.  I disabled 
> it.  No 32-bit plugins to wrap.
> B

My firefox is the 64-bit version.
I have in /usr/lib64/nspluginwrapper several files,so how do I
know that it is running and how do I disable it.

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