On 03/10/2010 01:37 PM, Craig White wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-03-10 at 13:17 +1000, david walcroft wrote:
>> On 03/10/2010 12:49 PM, Craig White wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2010-03-10 at 12:40 +1000, david walcroft wrote:
>>>> On 03/10/2010 10:11 AM, Craig White wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 2010-03-10 at 09:43 +1000, david walcroft wrote:
>>>>>> Fedora 12 x86_64
>>>>>> I've being trying to get 'about:plugins' to recognize these .so files
>>>>>> libflashplayer.so  nphelix.so  nphelix.xpt  nppdf.so, I copied them from
>>>>>> .mozilla/plugins to /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins,other .so's files are
>>>>>> recognized.
>>>>>> what am I doing wrong
>>>>> ----
>>>>> copying 32 bit plugins into a 64 bit folder doesn't exactly strike me as
>>>>> the way to make them work. That strikes me as a really good way to make
>>>>> sure that they don't work.
>>>>> Do you have nspluginwrapper packages installed? (I think you need both
>>>>> the i386 and X86_64 versions installed)
>>>>> Craig
>>>> I used this : libflashplayer-
>>>> OK I didn't realise that :
>>>> nphelix.so  nphelix.xpt  nppdf.so
>>>> were i386 plugins,I'll remove them,but it still leaves libflashplayer
>>>> not showing up in 'about:plugins'
>>> ----
>>> I am of course presuming that the file you have is not really the
>>> 'tar.gz' file but actually the binary file left when you un-tar the file
>>> (libflashplayer-
>>> Craig
>> Ok I did the steps 1,2,3.
>> Yes I used the binary .so
>> Still not showing up in 'about:plugins'
> ----
> where did you put libflashplayer-xxx.so ?
> did it create a new pluginreg.dat file in your firefox profile?
> as user (not root), what do you get from...
> $ grep flash ~/.mozilla/firefox/$YOUR_PROFILE/pluginreg.dat
> Craig
Yes it created a new file.
This produced nothing ' grep flash 
~/.mozilla/firefox/rgadfjcz.default/pluginreg.dat',but there is a list 
of plugins seen through
less ~/.mozilla/firefox/rgadfjcz.default/pluginreg.dat


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