On 03/03/2010 12:45 AM, Mihamina Rakotomandimby wrote:
>> Jatin K <ssh.fed...@gmail.com> :
>> I've facing one problem ( doing partitioning practice on 10GB IDE 
>> hard-disk  )
> I dont understand why is it really a problem.
>> if I go ahead with this and create other partition / goes to hda5
>> why like this ????
> On old disks, and I dont know the real reasons, you only have 4 primary
> partitions.
> The other partitions over those 4 are "logical" ones.
> Logical partitions are hda5+ 
> When you created 4 primary partitions, the system automatically create
> the 4th one as extended and places the other partitions are hda5+.
It is not old disks - it is the way the DOS partition table was
defined - there is only enough space for 4 primary partitions. Or
you can use 1 or more primary partition as an extended partition,
and add logical partitions to that.

There are other types of partition tables that do not have this
problem. But they do not work with all BIOSs and definitely do not
work with Windows. I have run into some BIOSs that insist on a
primary partition that is marked boot before they will try and boot
from the drive.


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