On 03/03/2010 01:17 PM, Mike McCarty wrote:
> Jatin K wrote:
>> On 03/03/2010 12:15 PM, Mihamina Rakotomandimby wrote:
>>>> Jatin K<ssh.fed...@gmail.com>   :
>>>> I've facing one problem ( doing partitioning practice on 10GB IDE
>>>> hard-disk  )
>>> I dont understand why is it really a problem.
>> *what if you are on RHCE exam ...... and question is related to
>> partitioning  a hdd in said partitions and mount points *
> *I* don't understand why this subject keeps coming up.
> You seem to think that the examiners don't understand how an
> MBR style PT works. Anyone who understands how volume creation
> on PTs works understands why those are "extended" partitions
> (or volumes in older terminology).
> Mike
fdisk works perfectly and maintains the partition order as per the 
desired layout .......  but still size issue is there ... if you select 
+100M ...it will create 95MB partition

   ^ ^  Jatin Khatri
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