On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 8:10 PM, Steven F. LeBrun <ste...@lebruns.com> wrote:
> On 02/26/2010 02:35 PM, Vincent Onelli wrote:
> Hello,
> I installed emacs from software that comes with Fedora 12, the
> characters are so large that makes unusable. Any body know how to
> correct it to a standard font?
> Emacs, by default, should be using the system standard font unless otherwise
> specified to use a different font.  You should check your X resources files
> (~/.Xdefaults or ~/.Xresources) and your .emacs file to see if something is
> specifying the large font that you are seeing.
> There are a couple of ways that you can specify the font to be used in
> emacs.
> One way is to set the value in your ~/.Xdefaults or ~/.Xresources file.
>     emacs.font:  8x16
> Another way is to set it for an individual session of Emacs by using command
> line arguments:
>     emacs --font=9x15
> Yet another way, which is my preference, involve setting the font in emacs
> itself using emacs-lisp.  Basically what you want to do is change the value
> of emacs variable default-frame-alist which controls how new frames are
> created.  Again, there are several ways to do this.
> Method 1: Customization
>   1)  Start emacs
>   2)  Enter Cntrl-H v default-frame-alist
>   3)  Move your cursor over the underlined "customize" that is in the
> sentence just above "Value:"
>   4)  Hit Enter
>   5)  This brings you to a customization frame where you can set values in
> default-frame-alist.
>   6)  If the Parameter font already exists, change its value to the font
> that you want.
>   7)  Otherwise, click (using enter key) the last "INS" button.
>         7a) replace the nil on the Parameter line with font.
>         7b) replace the nil on the Value line with the name of the X font
> that you want.
>   8) Click (using the enter key) the button near the top with the label
> "Save for future sessions".  This will add emacs-lisp code to your .emacs
> file to automatically set the font value each time you start emacs.
> Method 2: Modifying .emacs - adding to default-frame-alist
> Add the following line to your .emacs file:
>     (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(font . "9x15"))
> where the 9x15 is the name of the font that you want to use.
> Method 3: Modifying .emacs - setting default-frame-alist
> Add the following emacs-lisp code to your .emacs file, modifying as desired:
>     (setq default-frame-alist
>       '((width                  . 80)
>         (height                 . 40)
>         (menu-bar-lines         . 1)
>         (background-color       . "cornsilk")
>         (foreground-color       . "navy")
>         (name                   . "Emacs")
>         (horizontal-scroll-bars . 1)
>         (vertical-scroll-bars   . 1)
>         (font . "8x16")
>         ))
> This is the method that I use because I like setting colors and a few other
> frame parameters to my liking.
> For list of available fonts, look in the fonts.alias files in
> /usr/share/X11/fonts/*/ directories.
> --
>   Steven F. LeBrun

Or use the menus: Options->Set default font.

This has the disadvantage that emacs is mapped at the default size and
then resized on-screen to the size needed for the new font.


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