On 2/26/10, Vincent Onelli <vone...@optonline.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> I installed emacs from software that comes with Fedora 12, the
> characters are so large that makes unusable. Any body know how to
> correct it to a standard font?

First of all, you can Shift-LeftClick in emacs and chose another font.
I don't how you can make that choice permanent, but I'm pretty sure
you can. (See the emacs manual after hitting Ctrl-h i)

You can also start emacs with
emacs -fn fontname,
and xfontsel helps you find a suitable font. This is very oldschool,
but still works.

As for me, I put this line:

Emacs.font: -adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--14-100-100-100-m-*-*-1

in my ~/.Xdefaults file. (Beware, that it may have to be called
~/.Xdefaults-yourhost.yourdomain or some such.)


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