>   I definitely see a need that PDF fulfills. The free software
> community should either fully support it or come up with an
> alternative.

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There is a need for various kinds of smart document, but it actually
makes PDF more hazardous the more scriptable it is. It becomes easier and
easier to bury other 'activities' into a form - you've no idea for
example if your tax form quiety squirrels away old versions of any field
you then re-edit (eg so they can use it to profile returns for possible
fraud), you've less idea what it communicates with.

There are already problems with "smart" electronic documents becoming
unusable for business contracts because even if digitally signed they
can contain obfuscated magic to change the value of the contract or the
completion date without changing the signature.

IMHO it's unfortunate Adobe is loading so much stuff into PDF rather than
clearly separating out 'trustable thing I distribute and read' from
'application in a document'.

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