On Wednesday 03 February 2010 06:29:26 Hiisi wrote:
> 2010/2/3 Oliver Ruebenacker <cur...@gmail.com>:
> >  I definitely see a need that PDF fulfills. The free software
> > community should either fully support it or come up with an
> > alternative.
> Actually, there is one. It's called ODF (open document format; see
> [1]). And it is in use already [2].

Does it provide automatic checking of forms you fill? Conditional questions in 
forms based on previous answers? Automatic copy-paste of identical information 
being asked more than once?

I can understand and appreciate how such a thing could be quite helpful when 
you fill out a bunch of documents at once.

The *idea* of what PDF provides (this latest functionality that has been 
discussed in this thread) is good. The *implementation* is bad and 
proprietary. But unless ODF provide equivalent functionality, this bad and 
proprietary implementation of a good idea is the only option, and people are 
going to use it.

Best, :-)

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