--- On Tue, 2/2/10, Tim <ignored_mail...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:

> On Mon, 2010-02-01 at 18:55 -0800,
> Patrick Bartek wrote:
> > As far as updates:  If an app or  utility or
> library works just fine,
> > no problems--they usually do from the initial
> install--why be
> > concerned over the latest update?  But I see it
> all the time.   It
> > must be some kind of complusive-obsessive disorder
> variant.   I have a
> > friend, a retired career computer admin, programmer,
> you name it, who
> > has this disorder.  It is impossible for him not
> to constantly keep
> > his system fully updated even if what is being updated
> is rarely if
> > ever needed or even used.
> It is next to impossible to avoid if you install a new
> piece of
> software, though.  It'll depend on other more recent
> files, then you
> have to update those, and further, dependencies. 
> Which can be quite
> pain when installing one new thing involves hundreds of
> megs up updates.
> It can be easier to just periodically keep things up to
> date, to head
> off that sort of thing.

I was referring to unsupported versions.  I have no problems with updating, per 
se.  I'm just not fanatical about it.

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