On Mon, 2010-02-01 at 18:55 -0800, Patrick Bartek wrote:
> As far as updates:  If an app or  utility or library works just fine,
> no problems--they usually do from the initial install--why be
> concerned over the latest update?  But I see it all the time.   It
> must be some kind of complusive-obsessive disorder variant.   I have a
> friend, a retired career computer admin, programmer, you name it, who
> has this disorder.  It is impossible for him not to constantly keep
> his system fully updated even if what is being updated is rarely if
> ever needed or even used.

It is next to impossible to avoid if you install a new piece of
software, though.  It'll depend on other more recent files, then you
have to update those, and further, dependencies.  Which can be quite
pain when installing one new thing involves hundreds of megs up updates.
It can be easier to just periodically keep things up to date, to head
off that sort of thing.

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