On 01/12/2010 12:10 PM, Michael Cronenworth wrote:
> Robert Moskowitz on 01/12/2010 02:02 PM wrote:
> > ::/0                                        
> fe80::2149:9a62:1185:fd1c               UGDA  1024   399       0 wlan0
> This should not be there. NetworkManager does not add it - it would 
> have to be added by the user. Remove this route and your timeouts will 
> disappear.

Then WHAT added it???  This is a fresh FC12 install.  I have been 
hopping around from the Hotel's wired network to the session's wireless 
network.  And before I left home I was on my wireless network that DOES 
have IPv6 and a RA server.  Oh, and the airport's wireless network as 
well (no v6 back there, I suspect).

And please save me reading a bunch of man pages; how do I remove it?

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