Le 11/01/2010 15:18, Valent Turkovic a écrit :
> On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 7:52 PM, Eric Tanguy<eric.tan...@univ-nantes.fr>  
> wrote:
>> Le 06/01/2010 16:46, Valent Turkovic a écrit :
>>>> mythtv?
>>> MythTV is overkill for most use cases and too hard to setup :(
>>> There are easier (and for me) much better media center applications
>>> for Linux like XBMC, Boxee and Moovida. Unforutunatelly none of them
>>> is available for Fedora :(
>> http://rolffokkens.dyndns.org/
> I saw no mention of Fedora packages on XBMC Wiki:
> http://xbmc.org/wiki/?title=Installing_XBMC_for_Linux
> You should add this great resource on XBMC Wiki so that people can
> find it more easily. Are you in contact with RPMFusion team? Are you
> planing to make XBMC packages available through RPMFusion repository?
> Thank you for packaging XBMC, I will install it today and report back
> how it works.
> Valent.
You need to put the packager in copy (it's not me ...) : rolf <dot> 
fokkens <at> wanadoo <dot> nl
These packages work but need a lot of work before any inclusion in 
rpmfusion. In fact if i remember well there is already a team from 
rpmfusion working on this.

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