On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 7:52 PM, Eric Tanguy <eric.tan...@univ-nantes.fr> wrote:
> Le 06/01/2010 16:46, Valent Turkovic a écrit :
>>> mythtv?
>> MythTV is overkill for most use cases and too hard to setup :(
>> There are easier (and for me) much better media center applications
>> for Linux like XBMC, Boxee and Moovida. Unforutunatelly none of them
>> is available for Fedora :(
> http://rolffokkens.dyndns.org/

I saw no mention of Fedora packages on XBMC Wiki:

You should add this great resource on XBMC Wiki so that people can
find it more easily. Are you in contact with RPMFusion team? Are you
planing to make XBMC packages available through RPMFusion repository?

Thank you for packaging XBMC, I will install it today and report back
how it works.


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