Hi Sarah,
Thanks for noticing this! This was an oversight during the 3.8 release. I
filed a PR (https://github.com/apache/kafka-site/pull/634) to fix this.
Basically you would need to follow similar steps as with the previous
versions making sure the right parameters are passed in.


On Tue, Oct 8, 2024 at 8:07 AM Sarah Brofeldt <s...@dbc.dk.invalid> wrote:

> Hi Kafka users,
> We've been confused by the recent release notes, notably 3.8 and
> (unreleased so far) 3.9. Both of them appear to be missing upgrade
> instructions. How are we supposed to interpret this? Simply upgrade, or do
> every manual step described in _previous_ versions? Perhaps this is
> supposed to be obvious, but because previous releases contain very detailed
> upgrade instructions, it seems confusing to me.
> See eg. these for missing upgrade details:
> https://kafka.apache.org/38/documentation.html#upgrade
> https://kafka.apache.org/39/documentation.html#upgrade
> As an example, we're on 3.5 currently and aiming to upgrade. Let's say I
> were to upgrade to 3.7, following the instructions here;
> https://kafka.apache.org/37/documentation.html#upgrade
> This has me following several steps, for instance,
> > 3. Once the cluster's behavior and performance has been verified, bump
> the protocol version by editing inter.broker.protocol.version and setting
> it to 3.7.
> Now let's say we're on on 3.5 and want to upgrade instead to 3.8. This has
> no steps at all! How am I meant to interpret this? Is it supposed to be
> simply cross your fingers and let Automagic take the wheel? Or am I
> supposed to understand that I am implicitly supposed to do every upgrade
> step for prior releases I'm "passing through" or am I simply not allowed to
> do the upgrade across multiple versions at all? (This seems to contradict
> the note: "Upgrading to 3.8.0 from any version 0.8.x through 3.7.x")
> Thanks in advance. :-)
> -- Sarah

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