Hi Kafka users,

We've been confused by the recent release notes, notably 3.8 and (unreleased so 
far) 3.9. Both of them appear to be missing upgrade instructions. How are we 
supposed to interpret this? Simply upgrade, or do every manual step described 
in _previous_ versions? Perhaps this is supposed to be obvious, but because 
previous releases contain very detailed upgrade instructions, it seems 
confusing to me.

See eg. these for missing upgrade details: 

As an example, we're on 3.5 currently and aiming to upgrade. Let's say I were 
to upgrade to 3.7, following the instructions here;


This has me following several steps, for instance, 

> 3. Once the cluster's behavior and performance has been verified, bump the 
> protocol version by editing inter.broker.protocol.version and setting it to 
> 3.7. 

Now let's say we're on on 3.5 and want to upgrade instead to 3.8. This has no 
steps at all! How am I meant to interpret this? Is it supposed to be simply 
cross your fingers and let Automagic take the wheel? Or am I supposed to 
understand that I am implicitly supposed to do every upgrade step for prior 
releases I'm "passing through" or am I simply not allowed to do the upgrade 
across multiple versions at all? (This seems to contradict the note: "Upgrading 
to 3.8.0 from any version 0.8.x through 3.7.x")

Thanks in advance. :-)

-- Sarah

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