You may be running into the issue described here:
If that's the case, I believe you have two options: 1. Reduce emit.checkpoints.interval.seconds and to reduce the offset lag between source and target clusters while consumers are active on the source cluster 2. Manually update offsets on the target cluster once consumers are stopped on the source cluster (e.g. using A bit more background on this question based on my understanding: On 10/4/24, 8:13 AM, "Massimiliano Rotondo" < <>> wrote: CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know the content is safe. Hello, I'm experiencing a side bug with usage of Kafka MirrorMaker2, all is described in the below post: <> The same "bug" has been reproduced using updated Kafka Cluster 3.7.1 on both source/destination (so it seems not depending on the old version of the source cluster). Could you please support with this? Best Regards, Massimiliano Rotondo