Only brokers can be specified as --bootstrap-servers for AdminClient (the
bin/kafka-* scripts).

In 3.7, we are adding the ability to bootstrap from KRaft controllers for
certain scripts. In this case, the scripts will use --bootstrap-controllers
(the details are in

But in general, no controllers cannot be used as bootstrap servers.


On Tue, Dec 5, 2023 at 10:05 AM Dima Brodsky <> wrote:

> Hello, question,
> If I have my kafka cluster behind a VIP for bootstrapping, is it possible
> to have the controllers participate in the bootstrap process or only
> brokers can?
> Thanks!
> ttyl
> Dima
> --
> "The price of reliability is the pursuit of the utmost simplicity.
> It is a price which the very rich find the most hard to pay."
>                                                                    (Sir
> Antony Hoare, 1980)


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