Hello, Would the following configuration be valid in a kafka kraft cluster
So lets say we had the following configs for a controller and a broker: === controller - https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/6d1d68617ecd023b787f54aafc24a4232663428d/config/kraft/controller.properties process.roles=controller node.id=1 controller.quorum.voters=1@host1:9093 listeners=CONTROLLER://:9093,BROKER://:9092 controller.listener.names=CONTROLLER advertised.listeners=BROKER://:9092,CONTROLLER://:9093 inter.broker.listener.name=BROKER === broker - https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/6d1d68617ecd023b787f54aafc24a4232663428d/config/kraft/broker.properties process.roles=broker node.id=2 controller.quorum.voters=1@host1:9093 listeners=BROKER://:9092 inter.broker.listener.name=BROKER advertised.listeners=BROKER://:9092 The controller, not only advertises itself as a controller but also as a broker. If the controller is contacted by a client as a bootstrap server will the controller be able to perform the duties of a bootstrap server or that role has to be left to the brokers. What I have in green has been added to the controller config. Thanks! ttyl Dima