Hi, thanks for your response. Is there any chance the offset is never committed on the "__consumer_offsets” topic, although auto commit is enabled every 5 seconds? We are checking daily and the offset is always set to NULL.
Lorenzo Rovere Technology Reply Via Avogadri, 2 31057 - Silea (TV) - ITALY phone: +39 0422 1836521 l.rov...@reply.it www.reply.it -----Original Message----- From: Luke Chen <show...@gmail.com> Sent: 7 October, 2022 2:15 PM To: users@kafka.apache.org Subject: Re: consumer loses offset Hi Lorenzo, Sounds like it is caused by this bug: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-13636 If you're not in the versions of fixed version list or newer, please try to upgrade it. Thanks. Luke On Fri, Oct 7, 2022 at 5:36 PM Lorenzo Rovere <l.rov...@reply.it> wrote: > Hi everyone, I have a simple question about Kafka offsets. > > We have 1 producer and 1 consumer. > > Imagine the consumer reading till offset 5 (for example) and then > suddenly stops for some hours. In the meantime the producer keeps > writing messages and the offset of the last message is 10 (always for > example). When we restart the microservice that contains the consumer, > where does it start to read from, if we have auto.offset.reset=latest? > > > > I ask this because one of our costumers complains about starting > reading from 10, thus losing messages between 5 and 10. Is that correct? > > > > Other configs: > enable.auto.commit = true > > auto.commit.interval.ms = 5000 > > log.retention.hours=168 > > offsets.retention.minutes (7d) > > > > We also noticed that on the "__consumer_offsets” topic offset is > always set to NULL > > [consumer_group, topic_name,partition]::NULL > > > > Can you help me understanding what’s happening? Thanks a lot > > > Lorenzo Rovere > > Technology Reply > Via Avogadri, 2 > 31057 - Silea (TV) - ITALY > phone: +39 0422 1836521 > l.rov...@reply.it > www.reply.it > > [image: Technology Reply] >