Hi everyone, I have a simple question about Kafka offsets. We have 1 producer and 1 consumer. Imagine the consumer reading till offset 5 (for example) and then suddenly stops for some hours. In the meantime the producer keeps writing messages and the offset of the last message is 10 (always for example). When we restart the microservice that contains the consumer, where does it start to read from, if we have auto.offset.reset=latest?
I ask this because one of our costumers complains about starting reading from 10, thus losing messages between 5 and 10. Is that correct? Other configs: enable.auto.commit = true auto.commit.interval.ms = 5000 log.retention.hours=168 offsets.retention.minutes (7d) We also noticed that on the "__consumer_offsets" topic offset is always set to NULL [consumer_group, topic_name,partition]::NULL Can you help me understanding what's happening? Thanks a lot Lorenzo Rovere Technology Reply Via Avogadri, 2 31057 - Silea (TV) - ITALY phone: +39 0422 1836521 l.rov...@reply.it<mailto:l.rov...@reply.it> www.reply.it<http://www.reply.it> <http://> [Technology Reply]