Hi all,

I am using Kafka admin client to query consumer group partition offsets 
(committed and latest) using the below code:

Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> offsets = 
Map<TopicPartition, OffsetSpec> requestLatestOffsets = new HashMap<>();
for(TopicPartition tp: offsets.keySet()) {
requestLatestOffsets.put(tp, OffsetSpec.latest());
Map<TopicPartition, ListOffsetsResult.ListOffsetsResultInfo> latestOffsets =

During rebalance of the consumer group (e.g., say a consumer is joining the 
group) does the admin API blocks until the rebalance completes? Or does it just 
return whatever information on the consumer group members/offset is present at 
the request time? I am sying some zero values for the offsets 
(latest/committed), when I programmatically add a consumer and after few 
seconds (3-4) query for the offsets.

Thank you.

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