Thanks Liam, so the phrase " current ISR set " in the warning refers to ISR set that is being shown as kafka-topics describe command ? And also, should the "maximum" value of " min.insync.replicas" be (replication factor - 1 ) - I mean min.insync.replicas should not be same as " replication factor" .
Please confirm On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 1:22 PM Liam Clarke-Hutchinson <> wrote: > Hi Nag, > > ISR is the replicas that are in sync with the leader, and there's a > different ISR set for each partition of a given topic. If you use > `kafka/bin/kafka-topics --describe --topic <X>` it'll show you the replicas > and ISR for each partition. > > min.insync.replicas and replication factor are all about preventing data > loss. Generally I set min ISR to 2 for a topic with a replication factor of > 3 so that one down or struggling broker doesn't prevent producers writing > to topics, but I still have a replica of the data in case the broker acting > as leader goes down - a new partition leader can only be elected from the > insync replicas. > > On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 7:39 PM Nag Y <> wrote: > > > I had the following setup Brokers : 3 - all are up and running with > > min.insync.replicas=3. > > > > I created a topic with the following configuration > > > > bin\windows\kafka-topics --zookeeper --topic > topic-ack-all > > --create --partitions 4 --replication-factor 3 > > > > I triggered the producer with "ack = all" and producer is able to send > the > > message. However, the problem starts when i start the consumer > > > > bin\windows\kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server > > localhost:9094,localhost:9092 --topic topic-ack-all --from-beginning > > > > The error is > > > > NotEnoughReplicasException: The size of the current ISR Set(2) is > > insufficient to satisfy the min.isr requirement of 3 > > NotEnoughReplicasException:The size of the current ISR Set(3) is > > insufficient to satisfy the min.isr requirement of 3 for partition __con > > > > I see two kinds of errors here . I went though the documentation and had > > also understaning about "min.isr", However, these error messages are not > > clear . > > > > 1. What does it mean by current ISR set ? Is it different for each > topic > > and what it signifies ? > > 2. I guess min.isr is same as min.insync.replicas . I hope is should > > have value at least same as "replication factor" ? > > >