I had the following setup Brokers : 3 - all are up and running with

I created a topic with the following configuration

bin\windows\kafka-topics --zookeeper --topic topic-ack-all
--create --partitions 4 --replication-factor 3

I triggered the producer with "ack = all" and producer is able to send the
message. However, the problem starts when i start the consumer

bin\windows\kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server
localhost:9094,localhost:9092 --topic topic-ack-all --from-beginning

The error is

NotEnoughReplicasException: The size of the current ISR Set(2) is
insufficient to satisfy the min.isr requirement of 3
NotEnoughReplicasException:The size of the current ISR Set(3) is
insufficient to satisfy the min.isr requirement of 3 for partition __con

I see two kinds of errors here . I went though the documentation and had
also understaning about "min.isr", However, these error messages are not
clear .

   1. What does it mean by current ISR set ? Is it different for each topic
   and what it signifies ?
   2. I guess min.isr is same as min.insync.replicas . I hope is should
   have value at least same as "replication factor" ?

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