Hi Khoi,

Short answer: No.

Broker logs are append only, so your options are either to delete all
records before a certain offset (for a non-compacted topic) or to have a
compacted topic and send a message with a null value. For some applications
(such as GDPR compliance, where there's a legal requirement to be able to
delete a particular individual's data) people use techniques like
cryptoshredding so that message values are encrypted and rendered
unreadable by throwing away the decryption key. But obviously this doesn't
recover the underlying storage.



On Wed, Feb 12, 2020 at 6:15 PM khoi dinh <khoidin...@yahoo.com.invalid>

> Is there a way to delete a single record from kafka. Not through
> compaction but through an actual command. I know there is the script
> kafka-delete-records.sh that could delete everything before the specified
> offset, but I want to delete a single message on the offset I specified. Is
> there a way to do that?

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