Hi Today there was some network glich which caused some of my topics to have 
replicas more than the replication-factor:

$ ./kafka-topics --zookeeper sjc-ddzk-01 --topic foodee --describe
Topic:foodee     PartitionCount:6               ReplicationFactor:2 
               Topic: foodee: 0               Leader: 0             Replicas: 
0,1       Isr: 0,1
               Topic: foodee: 1               Leader: 1             Replicas: 
1,2       Isr: 1,2
               Topic: foodee: 2               Leader: 1             Replicas: 
2,3,1   Isr: 1,2
               Topic: foodee: 3               Leader: 1             Replicas: 
3,4,1   Isr: 1,4
               Topic: foodee: 4               Leader: 0             Replicas: 
0,4       Isr: 0,4
               Topic: foodee: 5               Leader: 0             Replicas: 
0,2       Isr: 0,2

This has happened for many topics.

As a result I am having lot of under replicated partitions and partitions and 
leaders are not evenly distributed:
Reassignment is also getting stuck.

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