Hi Patrick, You need to use the producer prefix in your connect.distributed properties file. The same file you have your Kafka connect config in which applies it to all producers. Thanks, Jamje
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail Get the new AOL app: mail.mobile.aol.com On Thursday, 6 February 2020, Patrick Marton <mart...@gmx.at> wrote: Hello everyone, probably this is a misunderstanding from my side, but what I'm currently trying: we create a new connector with the REST-API, the connector has a ProducerConfig which I would like to configure based on the confluence white paper for durability but no matter what I'm trying, it does not effect the ProducerConfig itself. Setup: Strimzi to setup Kafka in our Kubernetes environment. We use Debezium for KafkaConnect with the PostgresSQL Plugin to connect do a event_store which works fine by it self. Now we would like to fine tune the setting of the ProducerConfig. What we have tried: - Set ProducerConfig setting in the KafkaConnect settings for Strimzi in the hopes, that these settings are also applied to all connectors ... sadly doesn't happen - Add ProduerConfig settings like "retries" or "enable.idempotence" in the "config" part when configuring the connector via the Kafka-Connect-REST-API ... settings are ignored - We tried the settings with tthe prefix "producer." like "producer.retires" ... still ignored - We tried to set "connector.client.config.override.policy: All" and use "producer.override.retries" ... does not work (not allowed?) As mentioned, probably there is a general missunderstanding of the connect concept from my side. Is it even possible to configure the ProducerConfig of a Connector? Any help/hint is highly appriciated.