Hello everyone,
probably this is a misunderstanding from my side, but what I'm currently
trying: we create a new connector with the REST-API, the connector has a
ProducerConfig which I would like to configure based on the confluence white
paper for durability but no matter what I'm trying, it does not effect the
ProducerConfig itself.
Setup: Strimzi to setup Kafka in our Kubernetes environment. We use Debezium
for KafkaConnect with the PostgresSQL Plugin to connect do a event_store which
works fine by it self. Now we would like to fine tune the setting of the
What we have tried:
- Set ProducerConfig setting in the KafkaConnect settings for Strimzi in the
hopes, that these settings are also applied to all connectors ... sadly doesn't
- Add ProduerConfig settings like "retries" or "enable.idempotence" in the
"config" part when configuring the connector via the Kafka-Connect-REST-API ...
settings are ignored
- We tried the settings with tthe prefix "producer." like "producer.retires"
... still ignored
- We tried to set "connector.client.config.override.policy: All" and use
"producer.override.retries" ... does not work (not allowed?)
As mentioned, probably there is a general missunderstanding of the connect
concept from my side. Is it even possible to configure the ProducerConfig of a
Any help/hint is highly appriciated.