On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 10:18 AM Jose Manuel Vega Monroy < jose.mon...@williamhill.com> wrote:
> Hi Vitalii, > > About log format, if clients are old ones will start to fail since they > couldn't understand the messages. > > So bump them if you planning upgrade the log format version. > > Thanks > > Get Outlook for Android<https://aka.ms/ghei36> > > ________________________________ > From: Vitalii Stoianov <vitalii.stoianov...@gmail.com> > Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2019 10:31:22 PM > To: users@kafka.apache.org <users@kafka.apache.org> > Subject: [EXTERNAL] Kafka upgrade from 0.10 to 2.3.x > > Hi All, > > All the docs that I was able to find describe the rolling upgrade. > But I didn't find any docs that describe how to perform no-rolling upgrade. > > So if system can afford downtime how in this case to upgrade kafka form > version 0.10.0 to 2.3.x. > Is it still required to do few restarts or we can just upgrade all in one > go? > > For example: > 0. Stop producers -> consumer -> brokers. > 1. Upgrade brokers, clients. > 2. Upgrade brokers, inter.broker.protocol.version. > 3. Upgrade brokers, log.message.format.version. > 4. Start brokers. > 5. Start consumers. > 6. Start producers. > > In case of upgrade from 0.10.0 to 2.3.x Docs states that message format has > changed since version 0.10.0 > > https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__kafka.apache.org_22_documentation.html-23messageset&d=DwIBaQ&c=pWn2jKJ-j-AhxLuiRFe-Qw&r=i5Pk4pirVCmwsmddZqplM1jyQtVWeoOOb-vkuqku5P8&m=1Bbq_fCBGYdws-Lil0jrt3sHYfBeO69HPka-rrOZbH4&s=B_4bFQr79wzHjrL7LRtsG7wOCcTJqmcQqOUfoAC80gc&e= > (old format that > is used by 0.10.0) and in 0.11.0 was introduced new format that is used > till now 2.3.x (as I understand). > > What will happen with kafka brokers data logs on disk after message format > change change ? > And if data on disk is not changed during change of message format: What > will happen if new consumer receive message in old message format because > it was not read by consumer before upgrade? > > Regards, > Vitalii. > Confidentiality: The contents of this e-mail and any attachments > transmitted with it are intended to be confidential to the intended > recipient; and may be privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure. If > you are not an intended recipient of this e-mail, do not duplicate or > redistribute it by any means. Please delete it and any attachments and > notify the sender that you have received it in error. This e-mail is sent > by a William Hill PLC group company. The William Hill group companies > include, among others, William Hill PLC (registered number 4212563), > William Hill Organization Limited (registered number 278208), William Hill > US HoldCo Inc, WHG (International) Limited (registered number 99191) and Mr > Green Limited (registered number C43260). Each of William Hill PLC and > William Hill Organization Limited is registered in England and Wales and > has its registered office at 1 Bedford Avenue, London, WC1B 3AU, UK. > William Hill U.S. HoldCo, Inc. is registered in Delaware and has its > registered office at 1007 N. Orange Street, 9 Floor, Wilmington, New Castle > County DE 19801 Delaware, United States of America. WHG (International) > Limited is registered in Gibraltar and has its registered office at 6/1 > Waterport Place, Gibraltar. Mr Green Limited is registered in Malta and has > its registered office at Tagliaferro Business Centre, Level 7, 14 High > Street, Sliema SLM 1549, Malta. Unless specifically indicated otherwise, > the contents of this e-mail are subject to contract; and are not an > official statement, and do not necessarily represent the views, of William > Hill PLC, its subsidiaries or affiliated companies. Please note that > neither William Hill PLC, nor its subsidiaries and affiliated companies can > accept any responsibility for any viruses contained within this e-mail and > it is your responsibility to scan any emails and their attachments. William > Hill PLC, its subsidiaries and affiliated companies may monitor e-mail > traffic data and also the content of e-mails for effective operation of the > e-mail system, or for security, purposes. >