Hi All, All the docs that I was able to find describe the rolling upgrade. But I didn't find any docs that describe how to perform no-rolling upgrade.
So if system can afford downtime how in this case to upgrade kafka form version 0.10.0 to 2.3.x. Is it still required to do few restarts or we can just upgrade all in one go? For example: 0. Stop producers -> consumer -> brokers. 1. Upgrade brokers, clients. 2. Upgrade brokers, inter.broker.protocol.version. 3. Upgrade brokers, log.message.format.version. 4. Start brokers. 5. Start consumers. 6. Start producers. In case of upgrade from 0.10.0 to 2.3.x Docs states that message format has changed since version 0.10.0 https://kafka.apache.org/22/documentation.html#messageset (old format that is used by 0.10.0) and in 0.11.0 was introduced new format that is used till now 2.3.x (as I understand). What will happen with kafka brokers data logs on disk after message format change change ? And if data on disk is not changed during change of message format: What will happen if new consumer receive message in old message format because it was not read by consumer before upgrade? Regards, Vitalii.