Thanks a lot Matthias. I looked at the aggregation and I'm fine with
aggregating data before forwarding it to downstream but the
uses the key to determine whether the data has to be aggregated and
forwarded or not. My worry is if I have a tumbling window for 2 seconds and
there is just one data then how can I evict this data and forward it to
downstream when there is no incoming data for the same key.

In short, Is there a way to evict the data from window even when there is
no incoming data for the key.


On Tue, Oct 15, 2019 at 1:40 AM Matthias J. Sax <>

> A window store contains key-value pair, with key being the window id
> (key + window-start-timestamp) and the value being the current
> aggregate. It does not store a list of input values.
> If you want to store a list of input values, you would need to make the
> value type a `List` (or similar) or values. However, this is not
> recommended and for large window might not work as all, because each
> key-value pair will be stored in the corresponding changelog topic as a
> single message (hence, you might hit the `max.message.bytes` limit --
> you could of course increase it).
> Hence, it's recommended to re-compute the aggregation for each input
> record incrementally if possible (not sure what aggregation you want to
> do and if that is possible). That is also what
> `KStreamWindowAggregateProcessor` does:
> Hope that helps.
> -Matthias
> On 10/15/19 12:56 AM, Navneeth Krishnan wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I'm trying to create a tumbling time window of two seconds using PAPI. I
> > have a TimestampWindowStore with both retention and window size as 2
> > seconds and retainDuplicates as false.
> >
> >
> Stores.timestampedWindowStoreBuilder(Stores.persistentTimestampedWindowStore("window-store-1",
> >         Duration.ofMillis(2000), Duration.ofMillis(2000), false)
> >
> >
> > In my process function I keep adding data to the state store and I have a
> > scheduled task initiated which runs every seconds to collect the data
> > inside the window. The way I thought the window store iterator will
> return
> > is Key and List of records for that window but it's returning just a
> window
> > object and a record. How can I aggregate this and collectively send to
> > downstream?
> >
> > I looked at KGroupedStreamImpl for reference but it seems quite
> confusing.
> > Any advice on how this can be done?
> >
> > Thanks
> >

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