Hi All, I'm trying to create a tumbling time window of two seconds using PAPI. I have a TimestampWindowStore with both retention and window size as 2 seconds and retainDuplicates as false.
Stores.timestampedWindowStoreBuilder(Stores.persistentTimestampedWindowStore("window-store-1", Duration.ofMillis(2000), Duration.ofMillis(2000), false) In my process function I keep adding data to the state store and I have a scheduled task initiated which runs every seconds to collect the data inside the window. The way I thought the window store iterator will return is Key and List of records for that window but it's returning just a window object and a record. How can I aggregate this and collectively send to downstream? I looked at KGroupedStreamImpl for reference but it seems quite confusing. Any advice on how this can be done? Thanks