use Spark streaming to receive topics from Kafka and process through some
kind of rule engine based on incoming tickers.

Sound like a variation of Lambda architecture. You have the batch layer
sorted out and now looking for speed layer with some form of dashboard.

Something similar to below but much simplified

[image: image.png]

Dr Mich Talebzadeh

LinkedIn *

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On Tue, 9 Apr 2019 at 21:26, Nick Torenvliet <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just looking for some general guidance.
> We have a kafka -> druid pipeline we intend to use in an industrial setting
> to monitor process data.
> Our kafka system recieves messages on a single topic.
> The messages are {"timestamp": yy:mm:ddThh:mm:ss.mmm, "plant_equipment_id":
> "id_string", "sensorvalue": float}
> For our POC there are about 2000 unique plant_equipment ids, this will
> quickly grow to 20,000.
> The kafka topic streams into druid
> We are building some node.js/react browser based apps for analytics and
> real time stream monitoring.
> We are thinking that for visualizing historical data sets we will hit druid
> for data.
> For real time streaming we are wondering what our best option is.
> One option is to just hit druid semi regularly and update the on screen
> visualization as data arrives from there.
> Another option is to stream subset of the topics (somehow) from kafka using
> some streams interface.
> With all the stock ticker apps out there, I have to imagine this is a
> really common use case.
> Anyone have any thoughts as to what we are best to do?
> Nick

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