The "Music" example show how Interactive Queries work.

And of course you should read the docs.


On 2/13/19 6:59 AM, Nan Xu wrote:
> Range query would be enough for me, is there an example? which api I can
> call for this?
> Thanks,
> Nan
> On Tue, Feb 12, 2019 at 6:17 PM Matthias J. Sax <>
> wrote:
>> You could do a range query from "abc" to "abd" for example (in this
>> case, you would need to make sure to check the result form the iterator
>> and drop "abd" though).
>> Note, that range queries are executed on the raw bytes. Thus, you need
>> to understand how the serializes you use work. In doubt, you may want to
>> use conservative ranges and apply a filter on the iterator to ignore
>> false positives.
>> Also, this only work for prefix queries, ie, if you query with a know
>> prefix of the key.
>> Hope this helps.
>> -Matthias
>> On 2/12/19 8:25 AM, Nan Xu wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>     Just wondering if there is a way to do a sql like "select key,
>>> value.fieild1 from ktable where key like abc%"
>>>     The purpose of this to select some value from a ktable without a
>> fully
>>> defined key.  Store.all then filter on them would be very inefficient if
>>> store is big.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Nan

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