Hi Guys, I am passing along the following info from EU. If you are interested in the event, please contact the coordinator. Thanks.
The EU via its EU-FOSSA 2 project have invited a number of communities including Apache Kafka to consider taking one of their 3 planned Hackathons this year, to be held in Brussels on 6/7 April, 4/5 May and 5/6 Oct. They will also pay for transportation, accommodation and food for 35-50 individuals (plus/minus) for each event. Each event will be dedicated to one open source community. I am sending this email to establish the level of interest within the Kafka community for such an event. Let me know. Here is some more background. EU-FOSSA 2 Hackathons The EU-FOSSA 2 project aims to improve security of open source software the European institutions use, e.g. via Bug Bounties and other initiatives. The project also aims to bring open source communities together via three planned Hackathons in Brussels. At these Hackathons, the software community can solve any problems they feel necessary, security or non-security. Though Security is the main project theme, it is not a prerequisite that the community fix bugs at the Hackathon or that they work on a specific thing at all. The main idea is to bring them together if they think that’s helpful to them - and ideally bring them together in Brussels with EU institutions folk involved in that community. Hackathon Ideas/Themes - hold competitions, and/or discuss other ways to benefit/strengthen the community, and in doing so ensure continuity and benefit for the open source community - look at say, software governance, risk management, release management, architecture, new features/roadmap, embracing new technologies/ideas to help improve the software or related subjects - Or any other idea on what the community needs or could benefit from Contact: Miss Suwon Ham at s...@bemyapp.com Jun